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Overseas Marketing

Cooperation with World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

SIFT Seoul International Fair & Sustainable Tourism Forum Logo

Seoul Tourism Organization has strengthened the position in the world tourism market by building global network with UNWTO. This leads to develop research projects with glo bal partners, and to enhance the value of the tourism of Seoul. Both UNWTO and Seoul T ourism Organization has committed to promoting tourism as an instrument in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

2017 Seoul Fair Travel Citizen Festival
Seoul International Fair & Sustainable Tourism Forum
Participants in the Seoul International Fair & Sustainable Tourism Forum
Seoul International Fair & Sustainable Tourism Forum
With growthing number of tourists around the world, it has become necessary to consider the protection and maintenance of the tourist spots, socio-cultural environments, and respect for local residents. Recently, overtourism, a perceived congestion or overcrowding of major tourist sites from an excess of tourists, brought great difficulties and conflicts for residents living in those areas. This has been a growing issue not only in Seoul but also other major cities in Europe and Asia such as Barcelona, Venice, etc.
Ten years ago, Korea started the "fair and sustainable tourism" to protect its environment, contribute to the economy and create rights and environments for everyone, so that both tourists and locals can benefit. Since 2016, Seoul has hosted the "Seoul International Fair & Sustainable Tourism Forum" for four consecutive years with themes like “Fair&Sustainable Tourism for achieving SDGs.“ and “Fair and Inclusive Tourism : Building Cities for all.” As a result, local governments of Korea established ordinances related to Fair Touri sm.